
Flores Funeral Home

219 South Mayberry Street Mission TX

Personalization Service

Memorial Services

Personalization of Caskets

Create value through personalization. A funeral that truly captures the spirit and personality of a loved one celebrates the life that has passed and gives comfort to those still living. With the help of a skilled funeral director, a family can create a service that incorporates personalized elements such as memory tables, photo collages, favorite music and other touches.

Because the casket typically serves as a visual and emotional focal point of the funeral service, it also provides an important opportunity for personalization. Through personalization, a casket can be more than just a burial vessel – it can become a reminder of all that made the loved one special. 

Memorial Service vs. Funeral

The biggest difference of a traditional funeral and a memorial service is that the body is not present in a casket at a memorial service. However, an urn with the loved one’s ashes may be present at a memorial service. Both traditional funeral services and memorial services have structure, and both bring the community together in support and remembrance. However, a traditional funeral service is much more structured and formal. A traditional funeral service is often associated with religion so it is often led by a member of clergy, whereas a memorial service is led by a celebrant or master of ceremonies. Memorial services often allow for each guest to participate to some level, where guests of a traditional funeral are really just there to observe and reflect.

Memorial Service vs. 
Celebration of Life

A celebration of life is an event that truly celebrates the loved one’s passions, intellectual pursuits, personality, and personal accomplishments. A celebration of life can really have no structure at all and can be really anything you want.
A memorial service could be best described as a gentle mix of a traditional funeral and celebration of life. A memorial service has some structure, but it still allows you the flexibility to make the ceremony unique and personalized to fit the individual being honored. Also the mood generally lies somewhere in the middle of completely somber and celebratory.

Why Choose a Memorial Service

- We find the most common reason people choose a memorial service is that they want the extra time to plan a ceremony. Since a memorial service can take place after the body has been buried or cremation, there is no rush to organize a ceremony. Immediately following a death, families are not emotionally ready to have a ceremony – They need time to grieve. Relatives and friends that live far away can organize their schedule to travel for the memorial service.

- Often those not religious choose to have a memorial service as opposed to a traditional funeral because traditional funerals are more often associated with religion.

- Memorial service tend to be cheaper than holding a traditional funeral

- As mentioned above, for some people memorial services serve as the perfect compromise between a celebration of life and traditional funeral service.

- Some people find celebrations of life do not pay enough attention to the deceased and turn into solely a party
  • LifeSymbols®Designs.

    Create value through personalization.

    Added to the corners of the casket, placed in an alcove or displayed on a memory table, LifeSymbols designs are a touching expression of the spirit, personality and interests of a loved one. These popular casket enhancements are also used as individual keepsakes  for family and friends, and include themes for patriotism, gardening, sports, family relationships and spirituality the exclusive LifeStories collection offer.

  • LifeSymbols®Plaques

    Create value through personalization.

    Many families choose to remove the LifeSymbols designs from the casket and mount them on Keepsake Plaques for enjoyment by family members and friends. Each plaque contains a photo holder, engravable plate and space for a LifeSymbols Design.

  • MemorySafe®Drawer

    Create value through personalization.

    A unique feature built into the casket, the MemorySafe Drawer can be used to display cherished keepsakes during the visitation, or to secure private mementos and farewell


  • Living Memorial®Program

    The Living Memorial® Program is a unique and special way to honor the memory of a loved one.  When you select a Batesville cremation urn or casket we arrange for a tree seeding to be planted in a national forest or woodland as a living tribute and memorial of your loved one.

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